We help companies build strategic differentiation.

We are positioning and brand strategy experts, helping international B2B and Healthcare companies build strategic differentiation.

What is your positioning strategy?

How are you building strategic differentiation?

“Differentiation used to be a choice of strategy - today it needs to be part of every strategy”


Using Purpose to Accelerate a Strategic Transformation

How focused and aligned is your brand?


One core idea guiding all decisions

The Quadric Framework

An integrated approach to building strategic differentiation.

“Purpose driven companies outperform the market - proving it is a powerful source of differentiation.”


Creating the focus for the next phase of growth with Arla Foods

Does your purpose drive long-term value creation?


Building a New Global Brand after a Carve-out

Does your identity have
the power to inspire and differentiate?

Is your employer brand attracting the right people to build the future?


Increasing the success of a merger

Are your value propositions driving higher margin growth?


Repositioning to grow in new ways and markets

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